Lincoln Garden Club
Lincoln Garden Club

P.O. Box 385, Lincoln, MA 01773

The Lincoln Garden Club, Lincoln MA was organized in 1928. It is a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc. and has been a member of The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts since 1930. To find out more about the Town of Lincoln, click here.

What We Do

The Club meets eight times a year, generally on the first Monday of the month. Meetings commence with Club business, followed by a featured speaker. Topics include plant materials, gardening tips, landscaping, conservation, unusual and spectacular gardens, and flower arranging demonstrations. Refreshments are provided by teams of Club members.

In addition to regular meetings, members may participate in discussions at special horticulture mornings or go on field trips to sites of interest in the area.

The Club periodically holds workshops on topics such as flower arranging, stone walls, pruning and other areas of interest. Occasional workshops are open to the public, as identified in the Calendar section.

The Club considers service a cornerstone of its programs and prides
itself on its many service projects. Members are expected to participate in one or more of these activities on a regular basis.

Station Park
The small park on Lincoln Road across from the mall and owned by the Town has been maintained and enhanced by the Club since 1972. It is one of the Club's most important projects. The park includes flowering shrubs and perennials donated by members. Members are encouraged to join the morning work sessions occurring bi-weekly during the growing season.

Watering Troughs
The Club also maintains the old watering troughs located at the five corners and at the intersection of Codman and Lincoln Roads. Volunteers change the plant material according to the season and make certain it is well watered.

Flowers at the Library
Club members provide weekly flower arrangements for the front desk at the library, a welcome sight for towns-people on a snowy or rainy day.

Mission for Cheer
Twice a year, in December and in the spring, members arrange and deliver flowers and plants to senior citizens who are ill, confined to their homes or have recently lost a family member.


The Club participates in the Art in Bloom at the Museum of Fine Arts and the New England Spring Flower Show. Members use their talents to create imaginative arrangements for these events.

Junior Gardeners
This project introduces elementary age children to the many facets of gardening with a hands-on approach.

Fund Raising
On alternate years the Club holds a plant sale in May, a popular event that is an important revenue source. Members donate perennials and shrubs from their gardens that are sold along with annuals and vegetable seedlings.

©2004 - 2009,
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