Floral Marketing Research
Floral Marketing Research
Prince & Prince, Inc.
Thomas L. Prince, Ph.D.
Timothy A. Prince, Ph.D.
PO Box 2465, Columbus, OH 43216-2465
Telephone: 614-299-4050
Providing Management Information to the Floral & Green Plant Industries thru Research, Analysis, and Consulting
Over 15-years of experience in conducting large-scale market research projects for the floral and green plant industries and related supplies.
Conducts market research at all levels of the distribution channel: plant propagator/supplier, grower, importer/ wholesaler/ distributor, retail/ mass-market, and at the consumer level.
Primarily conducts market research in the US, but also has conducted research in international settings.
Conducts competitive performance surveys, in-store purchasing studies, product value analysis, channel studies, time-series tracking surveys, and uses advanced market modeling for maximal insight on market behavior.