Pineae Greenhouses
Pineae Greenhouses
1901 South 5100 West Ogden, Utah 84401
Phone: 801-731-7830
Outside Utah: 800-453-5311
Fax: 801-731-7783
Pineae Greenhouses is proud to offer a complete line of Pineae Peak Performers. Including the Suntory Collection, Golden Sun Annuals & Perennials, and our special collection of Miniature Roses.
With generations of experience to serve you, Pineae Greenhouses provide you with a wealth of knowledge, as well as a personal touch, to fulfill every grower's need.
Pineae Greenhouses, offering "World Class Breeding Coupled with World Class Production."
About Us
The Gold family started Pineae Greenhouses in 1952. Potted foliage plants were the first greenhouse crop grown by the Golds. At this time, plant knowledge and production techniques for the greenhouse trade was in its infancy. Bob Weidner, an early pioneer in the greenhouse business, took the Gold brothers under his wing, mentoring them in plant knowledge and production technique.
Pineae soon became a leader in nursery and greenhouse production in the Rocky Mountain area. Until the early 1980's, foliage and outdoor nursery stock were the staples of Pineae's production mix. Having started with about one-half acre of greenhouse production, Pineae today is comprised of 14 acres of greenhouse and 50 acres of container nursery production.
In the mid 1980's, Pineae began a relationship with Jackson & Perkins as a licensee becoming a contract grower of miniature rose liners. When the Surfinia first came to North America, Jackson & Perkins was named the agent for Suntory products. Pineae became the first licensee of Surfinia in the United States, growing them for sale through J & P to growers across the country.
In 1998, Pineae's license with J & P was expanded to allow limited sales to other distributors while remaining a contract grower for J & P. The following season Jackson and Perkins decided to focus entirely on their role as the maser agent for the Suntory Collection and discontinued internal sales of the Suntory Line. At this time all restrictions on sales of Suntory products were removed from Pineae Greenhouse, allowing them full access to the North American market.
Today Pineae is proud to be a producer in the United States selling the entire Suntory Collection. Years of experience, an excellent high altitude production facility, keen attention to detail and a strong commitment to quality make Pineae a leader in young plant production.
Copyright Pineae Greenhouses