Care Information For Annual Phlox
Care Information For Annual Phlox
Calyx Flowers Floral Library

Annual Phlox
Common Name: Annual Phlox, Drummond Phlox
Botanical Name: Phlox drummondii (floks drum-MON-die)
Decorative Life: 2-4 plus weeks depending on environment.
Family Roots:

* Member of the Polemoniaceae (phlox family).
* Native to Texas.
* Related to creeping and other phlox types/species, Gilia, Ipomopsis and Navarettia.


* Species is classed as a dicotyledon, leaves not parallel veined.
* Flowers up to an inch across, tubular with petals flared and flattened, in dense clusters at stem ends.
* Plant is an annual with erect leafy stems.
* Flowers are not fragrant.

Availability: Year-round.
Flower Color: Purple, lavender, salmon, red, white, often with a contrasting eye.

* Phlox: Greek meaning flame, originally applied to the species Lychnis.
* The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology list this species as an allergy-safe pollen producing plant.
* One favorite cultivar is '21st Century Magenta' with multiple flower colors. Will generally do well in light levels at least bright enough to read a newspaper in comfort but more light would be better.

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