Care Information For Cleome
Care Information For Cleome
Calyx Flowers Floral Library
Common Name: Spider flower, Cleome
Botanical Name: Cleome hassleriana (C. spinosa) (klay-O-mee has-ler-i-AN-a)
Decorative Life: 6-8 days.
Post Harvest Care:
* Remove bottom leaves if present, recut stems under water and place into a fresh flower food solution.
Family Roots:
* Member of the Capparidaceae (caper) family.
* Native to South America.
* Related species include Crateva and Polanisia.
* Flowers with protruding stamens occur in fluffy clusters at stem ends.
* Stems leafy, 36-48 inches long, maybe spiny.
* Plant is an annual, classed as a dicotyledon, leaves not parallel veined.
Availability: Summer.
Flower Color: Purple, mauve, pink, white.
* From the Greek "kleos" (glory) referring to the flowers' stunning display. The specific epithet name "hassleriana" is in honor of Emile Hassler.
* Often cultivated in more exotic gardens.
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