Dentoom's Greenhouses
Dentoom's Greenhouses
Wholesale/Garden Centre/Office
Corner of Highway 11A & Range Road 275
Red Deer, Alberta
Mail: RR#1
Red Deer, Alberta
T4N 5E1
Phone: 403-309-7700
Fax: 403-309-7701
Professional Growers:
Home Gardeners:
About us
Dentoom's Greenhouses is in the business of growing plants. We grow old favourites as well as new varieties. People want something new and unique and we've become real innovators at supplying this new market. We sell a variety of products, from starter plants to hanging baskets.
Dentoom's receives cuttings directly from plant breeders in Japan, Germany, Australia, Holland and England. We also receive cuttings from farms in Costa Rica, Kenya, Mexico, Israel and Chile. Some of these are tissue culture "plantlets" which arrive in petrie dishes and Dentoom's ensures they remain in sterile potting medium as they grow.
Dentoom's also starts hundreds of varieties of bedding plants and perennials from seed.
In addition to shipping cuttings and seedlings to more than 800 professional growers across Canada, including the Red Deer and Central Alberta areas, Dentoom's Greenhouses also wholesales bedding plants to independent garden Centres and national chain stores across Alberta.
Dentoom's is best known locally for our Garden Centre which sells to the public during prime garden season from May through July.
We are proud to be the provincial sponsor of Communities in Bloom.
At Dentoom's Greenhouses our motto is "Grow with the Best" and quality will always be our top priority.
Dentoom's Greenhouses is a greenhouse ahead of it's time. The production area is a very modern and efficient operation.
The greenhouse industry of the future faces three main concerns: energy costs, environmental issues, and labour costs. Dentoom's Greenhouses has made every effort to resolve these matters as efficiently as possible.
Energy Conservation:
* High efficiency natural gas boiler
* Hot water heating system
* Pre-heated irrigation water
* Heat exchanger on chimney to reclaim heat from exhaust
* Energy curtain covers entire greenhouse range when closed (sunset to sunrise) resulting in 50% saving of fuel usage, also provides 50% shade reducing cooling costs
* Rolling benches throughout greenhouse resulting in 84% space efficiency (reduces walkways between growing benches)
* Computerized greenhouse environment system (monitors and controls temperature, humidity and irrigation)
Environmental Protection:
* All rainwater and snow melt is collected in concrete cisterns and ponds
* Large volume of irrigation water is recycled using sub-irrigation benches
* All irrigation water accumulating on the floor below growing benches is collected and stored in collection pond for outside irrigation
* Low volume drip irrigation is used for precise watering control
* Very little water leaves the Dentoom's site
* All plant debris and used soil mix is composted (no plant waste goes into landfill)
Labour Savings
* All overhead heating pipes in greenhouse have a dual use as Mono-rail track
* Each greenhouse bench is accessible by it's own Mono-rail cart with a capacity of 20 bedding plant trays which reduces material handling
* Robotic transplant line reduces hand planting. Plants 1500 to 2000 trays per day
* Manual transplanting line which accommodates up to 18 transplanters centralizing planting operations which reduces labour costs
Copyright 2006 Dentoom's Greenhouses Ltd.