Flowers of China
Flowers of China
Corporate Headquarters:
Flowers of China
C/O Sino Collective, Inc.
327 S. Franklin Dr.
Suite 673
Reno, NV 89503
Contact Methods:
Telephone Number: 702-425-8657 (Customer Support)
Email Addresses:
General Inquiries:
Customer Support:
Sales Department:
Our Company is operated by Sino Collective, Inc., a Nevada-based corporation founded by Americans and Europeans with a common goal: to bridge China and the Western World through safe online shopping experiences. We understand the difficulty and frustration when trying to order products and services from Chinese companies in China. Things are different here at Sino Collective, Inc. Our western staff is in China managing the services and products we provide so that anything "Made in China" from Sino Collective, Inc., is the same quality service you would expect in the West.
As a U.S. company, governed by the laws of the State of Nevada, we have legal responsibilities towards our customers and a reputation to uphold. We are not some obscure foreign company who can just run away with your money without consequences. You may validate our incorporation by visiting the Nevada State of Secretary Website at:
Type in Sino in the Business Entity Search field to find our company listed.
If we can help you show your loved ones how much you care, we consider it a job well done. To reach this goal, we use trusted florists and fine quality flowers grown in China. We strive to provide you with the quality you expect and a price you can afford. We want to help you make that flower connection to your loved ones in China, while maintaining high quality Western standards in the order process.
©1998-2009 All rights reserved.