Growing: Pot Marigold
Growing: Pot Marigold
By Ellen Brown
Date: 10/05/2006
Topic: Gardening > Growing Guides > Herbs

Botanical Name:
Calendula officinalis

Common names:
Pot Marigold

The Pot Marigold is an easy-to-grow, low maintenance addition to any herb garden. Its yellow or orange edible flowers and dark green foliage add a cheerful splash of color from mid summer until past the first frosts of fall. Choose from cultivars with traditional single blooms or large double blooms in whichever size (dwarf, standard or giant) fits your garden.

Life Cycle:
hardy annual

full sun

Pot marigolds will grow in almost any type of soil. Sow Marigold seeds directly into the garden in the spring and in pots and window boxes outdoors. In mild zones, sow in the fall for mid to late spring flowers. Thin seedlings to 6-8 inches apart when they are big enough to handle. Flowers not removed will reseed themselves.


Parts Used:
flowers and leaves

Harvesting and Storage:
Use fresh petals and leaves as needed.

Medicinal Uses:
digestive aid; antiseptic; treatment of cold sores; diaper rash; athlete's foot; menopause symptoms
Culinary Uses

Petals: rice, cheese, meat dishes, wine and salads

Other Uses:
skin care; hair care; garlands; yellow dye (petals); companion plant in the vegetable garden; flowers garden beds, borders and edgings

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