Growing Roses - Pacific Northwest
Growing Roses - Pacific Northwest
All-America Rose Selections

Regional Growing Guide

Season - Fall


Early Fall in the Rose Garden

It's time to do nothing in the rose garden. Well, practically nothing, anyway. We have seen the breathtaking first big, beautiful blooms of summer. And now we marvel at the smaller, but perfect last roses of summer. Enjoy. Roll up the hose. Put away the pruners.

Fall Rose Care Means Few Cares

Roses, like everything else in the garden, have noticed our shortened days and cooler, longer nights. That's their first clue that winter is coming and it's time to shut down for the season.

You should make your very last cuts about the first of October. No pruning beyond then at all, not even deadheading. Remember that every cut you make encourages new growth. That's the last thing you want right now, because any new, tender growth will be nipped by the first cold snap.

Cut your last, perfect roses for the dining room table or for drying , then put the pruners in a safe place, where you won't be tempted to use them for a while.

Fall Brings Change

Left alone, roses will bring a different kind of beauty in fall: brilliantly colored hips. Those are their seedpods. Let the leaves drop off and the seed pods decorate the rose garden. If you haven't used a systemic insecticide, try making tea or jelly with rose hips later. They're very high in vitamin C.

Black spot Still Lurks

One drawback of fall is the ever-present black spot fungus. If you've been following a preventive spray program, continue it into fall to discourage fungal spores from overwintering in your garden.

Now sit, and smile. Sip your tea as you admire the last, most perfect roses of the summer.

Quick tips

Prepare Roses for Winter
Late fall is a good time to prepare your roses for winter weather. Prune long canes back to about 2 feet to prevent them from whipping around in the wind. Cover the base of the plant, especially the graft, with an 8- to 10-inch mound of loose soil, compost, or peat moss. To prevent peat moss from blowing away, apply a small amount of soil on top, or cover the mound with evergreen boughs.

Protect Rose Canes From Icy Blasts
Winter winds can desiccate rose canes, and the resulting moisture loss can kill the canes. Even if the soil is moist, the plant will be unable to draw up enough moisture to replace what it's losing to evaporation. The problem is especially severe when the soil is frozen. In addition to using windbreaks around rose plantings, you can spray canes with an antidessicant spray in late fall.

Check Roses for Critter Damage
Field mice and voles may nest in heavy mulch surrounding rose bushes. Look for signs of chewed bark and damage to the canes. You can spray canes and the soil around the bush with a repellent spray. If you can find the nesting site, pull the mulch away and destroy it.

Fertilize Indoor Miniatures
If you have miniature roses growing indoors, they'll perform best with a constant diet of nutrients. Use a water-soluble fertilizer as directed on the label. Apply to moistened, not dry, potting soil. Discard excess liquid that accumulates in the drainage saucer.

Watch for Aphids
Miniature roses indoors can be attacked by aphids. These pests tend to cluster on tender growth at the tips of stems and flower buds. Pinch off infested portions, and discard in the trash. You also can wash aphids off the plants with tepid water from the faucet. Repeat as often as necessary.

© 2009 All-America Rose Selections.