Hollyhocks plant care
Hollyhocks plant care
A genus of biennial and short-lived perennials.
Botanical name: Althaea rosea or Alcea rosea
Family: Malvaceae
Size: Generally 1.5-1.8m tall.
Bloom season: Summer
Plant type: Herbaceous biennial. Replace after 2-3 years.
Planting time: Late Winter to early Spring.
Planting depth & spacing: Plant with the crown at the soil surface (or, if potted, to the same depth as it was in the pot) and 35-40cm apart.
Soil: Rich, well drained
Position: Sunny with wind protection.
Preferred climates: Hollyhocks perform much better in the temperate and cool climates.
Frost tolerance: Fully hardy.
Watering requirements: Water generously during dry periods and periods of rapid growth.
Fertiliser: A complete/general fertliser. They are heavy feeders, so feed well.
Pests/diseases/hazards: Stake these tall flowers in windy sites and watch out for snails and slugs. They are succeptible to rust. Remove affected leaves.
Comments: To encourage a longer life from these plants, cut the flowering stalks off after the flowers have finished for new flowers in autumn.
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