Maine Masters Floral Design - mmfd
Maine Masters Floral Design - mmfd
Maine State Florists' & Growers' Association
Education Division

One of MSF&GA goals is to provide quality education for its’ members. They are pleased to now offer the Maine Master Floral Design School (mmfd). The advanced floral design course will provide the specialized, up-to-date, and in-depth knowledge of the elements and principles of design coupled with experience in floral mechanics and techniques. This course of study will be applied to floral compositions that are complex in theory and design. mmfd was established in 2003 to promote floral design excellence for the members of MSF&GA. The focus is to provide a source for higher standards in the art of floristry.

Course Out-line
Due to the nature of this course the classes are progressive and must be taken in order.

Class 1 - Introduction To Advanced Design — Theory

What is Advanced Design? What is theory?
Introduction to — Guideline of Arrangement Categories

Space Principles
Focal Area
Focal Point
Balance Design Styles
Formal Linear
Hogarth Techniques

Design 1 - a Formal Linear Arrangement
Design 2 - a Hogarth Curve
Design 3 - a Clear Glass Vase using a Kubari and Armature
Written Test - Open Book
Announce Topic of essay due with notebook class 4

Class 2 - Advanced Wedding Design
Line Principles
Unity Design Styles
Cascade Techniques
Hand Tying

Design 1 - Bouquet in a foam holder
Design 2 - Hand tied bouquet, with an armature or without
Design 3 - a wired corsage, or other body flowers and boutonnières
Written Test - Open Book

Class 3 - Advanced Design
Size Principles
Repetition Design Styles
Waterfall Techniques

Design 1 - Vegetative
Design 2 - Waterfall
Design 3 - Designers Choice
Written Test - Open Book

Class 4 - Final Exams

# Final Exam
# Design 1-Surprise Package
# Design 2-Theme Development
# Designer Notebook

Test Retake Policy

* A student may retake the written test up to 2 times within 1 year from taking the class.
* A student may retake the design portion up to 2 times within 1 year from taking the class, with a $15.00 fee applied for materials, per design.
* A retaken hands on design can be made up to a maximum passing grade of 40 points only.
* If the student requires a 3rd testing, the class must be re-taken in its entirety and all fees are applied.
* If any portion of class 4 is failed the retake option will be during the following year classes.
* Written tests (classes 1-2-3) retake-arrangements must be made between instructor and student, with a maximum possible passing grade of 80.
* Retake the test during class 4 is available after testing not on the Friday before.

Criteria to pass mmfd

* Completion of all four classes with a pass rate of 80% including final exam.
* Completion of mmfd designer notebook.
* 100% attendance.
* Upon passing mmfd you will receive:
o Accreditation Certificate
o The MSF&GA - mmfd pin
o A press release from MSF&GA
o mmfd addendum after your name in the MSF&GA directory
+ Graduation and pinning to be held at a MSF&GA function and will be announced at the last class. At this time, the student with the highest grade will be announced.


40% written test
40% design evaluation
20% notebook
100% attendance must be maintained

What to bring

* A fully equipped toolbox - all the design bench supplies you use daily
* Something to elevate your work
* Any favorite material you like to work with.
* You will be supplied with basic supplies and in quantities to complete all hands on designs. Sturdents may bring anything extra; it is welcome and encouraged, items such as accent material, beads, wire, roadsidia, branches, containers, binding agents, glue pan...
* Lunch - pot luck to share, utensils plates and napkins are provided
* Basic containers will be provided, see list of designs to be done at each class. If you would like to bring a container that is suitable and is a container you like to use, feel free to bring them.
* Buckets for your flowers
* Camera - pictures are a notebook requirement
* 3 ringed binder with 6 separators
* Required Books
* Wear warm layers of clothing


$95 fee per class (checks payable to MSFGA) - prices include most product

- Must be paid 7 days prior to scheduled class

-Mail class #1 fee with registration form to instructor

-Free attendance to a member of mmfd to observe any classes, a fee for hands on will be applied if the member wants to design.

-Classes are paid for one class at a time. Other arrangements must be approved by the instructor.

Books - Mandatory per student - Please have books by the first class.

Florists’ Review - Design School —
Available at some wholesalers or
Order direct - Florists’ Review: 1-800-367-4708

Not Mandatory but helpful

AIFD - Book of Terminology —
Order direct - AIFD: 1-410-752-3318 or

Principles of Floral Design - Gregor Lersch — $60.00 plus shipping
Order direct at:

AIFD-Guide to Floral Design Terms, Techniques, Traditions Order direct from AIFD
*If you purchase this book, you do not need AIFD- Book of Terminology

The mmfd Designer's Notebook

The Designer's notebook is meant to be your personal designers journal. Notebooks are the property of the student and will be returned at graduation.

* Class Notes Handouts
* Design Evaluations Tests
* Notes, pictures, and support information from Classes 1-3
* Verification of at least 6 techniques as found in nature
* Essay (100 word or more) -topics to be announced

Who is eligible to take the class?

1) Must be a member in good standing of MSF&GA or an employee of a member shop in good standing.
2) Must have passed MSF&GA’s Professional Certified Florist Program (PCF) with 5 years exposure to floral design.
A comparable or advanced course of study such as AIFD, college degree in retail floriculture or equivalent and 3 years exposure to floral design.
3) Must have 5 years full time design experience. (Students must be able to show proof of design experience).

All eligibility for enrollment will be up to the MSF&GA Education Chairman and the instructor. Due to the nature of study, eligibility will be strictly enforced.

What will the 4 classes consist of?
All focus will be on advanced design. The morning session will consist of lecture followed by hands on design and evaluation then a written test. The afternoon session will be hands on design, followed by an evaluation. Each class will focus on specific elements, principles and design techniques. Use the class outline for preparation.

Self-study is required prior to each class.

The Final Exam
The final exam will consist of a written test and 2 designs, one being a surprise package, the other being theme development, the themed design will be announced at the first class.
Test results will be mailed following the class. The test will be the property of the student, as they will change yearly.

Design Materials
You will be provided with enough floral materials to complete your designs, if you would like to purchase materials above what is provided you may do so at your own expense. Students provide all material for the vegetative, designer's choice, and theme development. Basic containers are supplied but students may bring containers that are suitable for the design styles and also accent material such as decorative wire, beads, and pods.

Cancellation Policy
There is no refund for cancellation, however the fees may be applied to a future class, this also applies to weather related cancellations.

© Maine State Florists' and Growers' Association