Oleander is a perennial shrub native to the Mediterranean region and Japan. It is also called Nerium Oleander.
The plant grows up to 6 m (20 ft) tall and is an attractive evergreen shrub for warm climates. Oleander has a moderate life span relative to most other plant species and a rapid growth rate. It lives to about 20 years.
Oleander produces heavily scented, colorful flowers all summer and fall. Flowers are funnel-shaped and in clusters. The large, showy flowers range from white to bright red. fragrant flowers in shades of apricot, copper, pink, lilac, red, purple, salmon, yellow, and white, depending on variety. It has glossy, 4 to 10 inch long narrow dark green leaves, leathery leaves. It has conspicuous brown fruits or seeds.
Oleander plants are best adapted to the west coast, southern states, Florida, and Texas and will withstand dry conditions. It requires full sun to light shade and well-drained soil. However, oleanders are adaptable and will withstand dry conditions as well as marshy soils. Propagation is through vegetative cuttings. This species commonly produces many side shoots which can be replanted in their own pots. In the ground, the plant can be spaced 5-9feet apart depending on its variety. When in growth water often and allow plants to remain moist. Yellowing of new leaves indicates over watering. Fertilize regularly during the growing period. The oleander caterpillar is the most damaging pest.
Oleanders are grown outdoors in mild climates and are drought-resistant. Their quick growth rate and thick multi-stemmed habit makes them ideal for use as a screen or informal hedge.
Did you know?
· Records of the medicinal use of oleander date back at least 3500 years.
· Oleander is one of the most poisonous plants and contains numerous toxic compounds, many of which can be deadly to people, especially young children.
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