Simon Says Roses Florists
Simon Says Roses Florists - Alberta florists in Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer AB, and more.
Dale & Frank Simon welcome you to…
Simon Says Roses Florists
As we are Canadian florists, all prices are in Canadian dollars.
To ensure personalized service, you can now place your flower orders securely, conveniently, and accurately either on-line, or through a live, 24 hour customer service order desk at:
1-800-705-ROSE(7673) in Canada and the U.S.A.
Why order from Simon Says Roses?
Because you deserve flowers from the best Alberta florists in town.
When you search the internet you may find a local florist in Alberta, but this does not necessarily mean they are a quality florist!
Not all FTD® Alberta florists meet our stringent requirements for Alberta flowers.
Over the years we know the best Alberta florist based on highest quality flowers, accurate delivery service, fewest customer complaints, and broad flower availability with fewest substitutions.
Simon Says Roses utilizes only those preferred flowershops in Alberta which meet our standards for your Alberta flower and gift basket delivery.
And if there is ever a problem with our affiliated florists in Alberta delivering your flowers in Alberta, we ensure it’s done right on your behalf because of the Simon Says Roses reputation as an FTD® top 10 Canadian flower shop.
Please call 1-800-705-ROSE(7673) in North America, or 1-250-391-4000 in other countries to order, send, and deliver flowers in all of Alberta.
Simon Says Roses never closes! Open 24 Hours.
© 2001-2008 F. & D. Simon, Simon Says Roses Florists