Society of American Florists - Industry News and Information
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Top Crops: Ag Census Puts Green Crops at No. 3
The U.S. has fewer floriculture and horticulture farms than it did five years ago, but those remaining are making up for the loss, pushing up the value of their crops and staying in the top three of all agriculture segments.

SAF Makes the Industry’s Voice Count in Ag Census

Groups representing the floriculture and horticulture industries want to make sure the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is asking growers to report information that actually tracks the trends in the green industry — which, unlike other surveys, changes relatively rapidly. However, the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), like most USDA agencies, hasn’t been funded at a level to keep up with growing survey needs.

John Holmes,1963-2009
John Holmes joined the tight-knit and deep-rooted world of floriculture just seven years ago, but he wasted no time in immersing himself and his organization, OFA - an Association of Floriculture Professionals, into issues central to the industry’s identity and critical to its growth. is death on Thursday, Feb. 13, at age 45 leaves the staff at OFA without a spirited leader and the industry without that force for change.
Exotic Flowers’ Pitch-Perfect Promo Pulls in Media Hits

In a city full of heavy hitters, florist Rick Canale has been scoring some major-league publicity. is the most recent fan impressed with how the Boston florist has been driving home sales and inspiring a dugout full of baseball puns with his Boston Red Sox partnership.

On Valentine's Day, Go Local, Promotes Wholesaler
This Valentine’s Day, one wholesaler drove home the message to buy from local florists.
Florida Fern Growers Chilled by Frost
Since October, Florida growers have faced 37 days of freezing temperatures. Some fern growers are feeling the chill.

Freedom Rider’s Journey Brings Florist to Inauguration
Don’t try to get Rev. Richard Gleason -- now a floral educator and businessman in Michigan -- to take any credit for risking his life at age 24 and boarding a bus in Chicago bound for Mississippi.
Flower Promotion Takes to the Street
With the countdown to Valentine's Day begun, flower promotions are in motion...literally.
Extra, Extra: Discover New Sources of Temp Help
Coming up short on sources for temporary holiday help? There are a surprising number of resources for recruitment.

Carnations Make a Comeback
The much maligned carnation — seen by some consumers as too pedestrian — is getting what many florists say is long-overdue respect.

©2008 The Society of American Florists